September 03, 2008

"Duck, Duck, Palin" - McCain/Palin Update #2

While the McCain (now McCain/Palin) campaign continues to reel after the numerous and previously undisclosed revelations about McCain's choice for VP, Sarah Palin, here are a few ramblings.

McCain's new "country first" theme was rolled out at the convention. Putting country first is a concept the Republicans have seemingly declared exclusive to them.

If McCain truly wanted to put country first before personal political convenience, he would stand together with Palin on stage at the RNC tonight and deliver a speech withdrawing Palin as a candidate for the VP job.

For me, it's not really about Palin and her unsettling history and do as I say not as I do ways. Nor is it about the continuing revelations of family turmoil, her past abuses of power or hiring lobbyists to generate earmarks she took, or the pending investigation (s?) against her, and all the other matters that have thusfar been so widely written about and those yet to be uncovered.

(5) It has to do with qualifications and trust. Who is most trustworthy in decision-making? Who has the most thorough experience, knowledge, intelligence and reasoning ability, education, maturity, stable under fire, and the mental and emotional stability to assume the Presidency? Who is secure enough to surround himself or herself with smart, wise, experienced people who are encouraged to be forthright even blunt in advising the President?

The Presidency and VP positions are not positions to be learned on the fly or from campaign aides on the McCain's private jet or in Palin's hotel room or campaign bus.

Look at what we got with George. With the most recent exception of Bill Clinton, Americans, generally, demonstrate uninformed judgments about candidates' qualifications for elected office. A frightening and growing majority of voters are increasingly issue (and just plain) illiterate usually putting convenient sound bites above substance. The MTV generation of empty non-thinkers.

Bush has destroyed so much that once made me proud. I am still proud of America and can cry at the playing of our national anthem and be as patriotic as anyone. I still support our presidency and system of governance and all Americans working hard to better our country here and abroad.

Bush is leaving office with our country saddled with deficits in the trillions. His lies, power players, and self-deceit have cost America dearly. Thousands of our soldier's killed and maimed, thousands of their family members devastated by their deaths and mutilation in wars we have not and will not win.

Despite the mightiest and most technologically superior military in the world and fighting against third world enemies, The United States people have not been relieved of our suffering caused by the stupidity of an intellectually/judgment compromised President, his "yes" men and other guilty players in his administration.

Bush leaves record unemployment with millions of jobs sent oversees. He leaves record profits for his oil friends while the American public suffocates under record high gas prices. He leaves a record high number of Americans without decent health coverage. He leaves a record number of ERs shuttered and our health care costs soaring while insurers reap record profits.

He leaves a destroyed New Orleans because he convinced himself FEMA and our American government were doing a great job in response to Katrina while he celebrated with his friend John McCain at his birthday party in Arizona.

He leaves America's worldwide reputation for trustworthiness, compassion, morality, and economic strength won with our blood, sweat and tears, in a shambles.

Bill Clinton, despite inheriting record deficits from the previous Republican administration, concluded his term with record surpluses. He strengthened America's standing with our ally nations around the world. He revitalized the hopes of our citizens. Blowjobs in the Oval Office? Doggy-style over the bidet? I'm ok with that if it strengthens our domestic economy and enhances America's standing in the world. substantial, relevant knowledge/experience on nationwide domestic issues nor dealing with them on a national level, nor any relevant knowledge/experience in international relations and global issues.

McCain...a maverick, loose cannon who usally fires from his emotional hip. A consumate politician and manipulator. Why else would an Arizona senator go to the gulf coast during a storm other than to showboat? He has some of the qualifications but he always seems to arrive at the wrong answer on so many issues. And, when is he ever going to stop playing the
40+ year old Vietnam War POW card? Some, think it was his "maverick" actions on that mission that got him shot down. He suffered tremendously. Sure, but it has little to do with being President in a 21st century America and world.

Biden...he has all the qualifications in abundance.

Obama...see paragraph (5).

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Expectant Mothers - McCain/Palin Update #1

"Expectant Mothers" - The very latest shocking revelation about Sarah Palin/John McCain?

In yet another clear abuse of power, Palin has ordered the parking lots outside the Alaska governor's mansion and captitol building provide reserved spaces for her expectant 17 year old, unmarried daughter, Bristol. Citing the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) and using funds earmarked from Washington, Palin indicates Bristol will use the spaces now, soon to be followed by Sarah (as she and DUI hubby want to have a healthy kid they can name POW Duhbya Palin to honor her nomination), to be followed soon by Willow (14) and then Piper (7).

Ok, so one of Sarah Palin's kids got herself knocked up at age 16. Really, it happens to the very best of Republican families. Especially those who preach that Republican social conservatism.

How about this for logic in the McCain campaign's decision-making camp...Bristol Palin (the pregnant one) has decided to keep the baby. According to her very proud parents, it was "Bristol's decision" to do so. McCain's campaign aides unequivocably agree with that statement in declaring that Bristol made the decision to keep the baby on her own . Her decision seems to imply that no political pressure was applied by her mom, the VP nominee nor the McCain campaign, who vetted (yup, they claim they knew all about Palin) Palin and her family thoroughly.

Wait a minute!!! I am so confused because neither McCain nor Palin believe that the law should allow Bristol Palin that choice at all...being pro-life and all! You know, that part about not giving the pregant woman any choice in matters of her pregnancy, not even if, in this case, Bristol, had been raped or had screwed with her dad or brother or cousin or...John McCain himself.

These compassionate, conservative Republicans can be so confusing some times.

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