September 03, 2008

Expectant Mothers - McCain/Palin Update #1

"Expectant Mothers" - The very latest shocking revelation about Sarah Palin/John McCain?

In yet another clear abuse of power, Palin has ordered the parking lots outside the Alaska governor's mansion and captitol building provide reserved spaces for her expectant 17 year old, unmarried daughter, Bristol. Citing the ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) and using funds earmarked from Washington, Palin indicates Bristol will use the spaces now, soon to be followed by Sarah (as she and DUI hubby want to have a healthy kid they can name POW Duhbya Palin to honor her nomination), to be followed soon by Willow (14) and then Piper (7).

Ok, so one of Sarah Palin's kids got herself knocked up at age 16. Really, it happens to the very best of Republican families. Especially those who preach that Republican social conservatism.

How about this for logic in the McCain campaign's decision-making camp...Bristol Palin (the pregnant one) has decided to keep the baby. According to her very proud parents, it was "Bristol's decision" to do so. McCain's campaign aides unequivocably agree with that statement in declaring that Bristol made the decision to keep the baby on her own . Her decision seems to imply that no political pressure was applied by her mom, the VP nominee nor the McCain campaign, who vetted (yup, they claim they knew all about Palin) Palin and her family thoroughly.

Wait a minute!!! I am so confused because neither McCain nor Palin believe that the law should allow Bristol Palin that choice at all...being pro-life and all! You know, that part about not giving the pregant woman any choice in matters of her pregnancy, not even if, in this case, Bristol, had been raped or had screwed with her dad or brother or cousin or...John McCain himself.

These compassionate, conservative Republicans can be so confusing some times.

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