September 12, 2008

McCain/Palin Hide And Seek

That's right, the McCain machine are dodgers with a small d.

In hiding Palin from media and public scrutiny on the issues, McCain is showing a total disregard for the Constitution, the will of the people and a right for us to learn more about Palin's qualifications to be VP and perhaps, President.

If Palin and McCain are reformers...mavericks as they say, why hide the person up for the #2 most powerful slot in the nation?

It simply is NOT ok that the American people be made to wait to hear from a nominee for VP who claims she is qualified to lead the country. One interview in a structured setting is not enough; it is the manipulation of the press, of the American people and subverts the purpose of election process timeline.

Disappointingly, McCain is counting down the days to the election not only so he can get elected, but so he can hide Palin once and for all from the public's eye by sliding her into the VP's office hidden well away from the White House.

If McCain was truly about putting "country first" as he preaches...
If McCain was truly a man of honor and service as he preaches...
If McCain was truly experienced as he preaches...
If McCain was truly a supporter of the Constitution as he preaches...
If McCain was truly a man who respects the American people's right to know...

...he would stop hiding behind the (off limits to factual parsing) skirt of his lipsticked, bitch, attack dog and put her into public (and media) view without controls or restrictions.

But he'll never do that.

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