September 26, 2008

McCain Continues Lying, Playing Politics For Personal Gain

So much for putting country first.

John McCain has reversed course (lied) again. After vehemently stating that he would not appear at tonight's debate unless an agreement had been reached on the bailout, John McShame just announced that he will take part in the debate.

Of course there was never any doubt. After all, McCain majored in theater in military college and knows how to stage a good play, especially one based on lying.

Has an agreement on the bailout bill been reached? Um, no.

Did anyone not understand McCain's words when he said two days ago that he called a press conference to announce that he was putting country first thinking he could play Mighty Mouse, fly into Washington inserting himself where not needed to save the day and so was suspending all campaign, speeches, fundraising, advertisements, etc. McCain holds no committee assignments that would have helped the debate.

Well, it appears McCain and his campaign people didn't understand the memo. All campaign activities continued while McCain posed and postured in Washington. All campaign offices continued doing busy as usual...perpetuating the McCain lie machine's assault on America's intelligence.

What did McCain do Thursday after bursting onto the scene? According to bipartisan sources on that scene,

-- Republican lawmakers said they hadn't seen or heard from McCain.
-- He had lunch with Senate Republicans.
-- He did not participate in a bipartisan meeting with senior lawmakers on the bailout.
-- He met for 30 minutes with the Republican House Minority Leader.
-- He met with other lawmakers in a meeting called by President Bush.
-- He did not state his position in the Bush meeting on the bailout proposal.
-- He had not read the 3-page bailout proposal as of Wednesday.
-- He did state that lawmakers have to come together to make a deal.
-- Many lawmakers thought Republicans balking at a settlement deal, did so as a ruse to make it look like McCain didn't come to Washington for nothing and that his coming to Washington was another theatrical campaign stunt.
-- McCain's senior campaign staff accompanied him everywhere during his 'McCain goes to Washington' day.

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