October 14, 2006


Blue Skies
South Santa Monica Bay, California
Jeff Lowe

Listening To: "Blue Skies" sung by Willie Nelson
"Lights in the Sky" by George Winston
"The Cloud-Capp'd Towers" sung by The Cambridge Singers
"Sunrise, Sunset" sung by Kenneth McKellar
and more...

Something about bad stuff happening in threes. You've heard it and probably lived it.

The death of Dad's long-time friend a few days ago. Seven days from diagnosis to death. Laughing one Sunday...dead the next. Unexpected, mortality smacks us awake to the preciousness and brevity of life and beats us down in the same stroke.

She's only 17! My daughter's best friend (she's become our "daughter" too since she pretty much lives with us 90% of the time) has difficulty breathing. Initial x-ray reveals some kind of fist-size mass somewhere in the right side of her chest. The fight begins. Whatever it is or isn't...it's a battle of not just the physical, but, of the emotions wrapping themselves around the girls (and families) smacking them upside the head with that damn mortality. She's only 17!

The third? Well, if posts to this blog cease, you'll know. Call Vegas now. Place your bet.

Live life with passion! Hold your loved ones close! Scan the skies blue or not and take time for play...today...now! Find your passion, embrace it and run like the wind with it enveloping your very being.
And then do the same tomorrow because mortality's always following too damn closely.

For today, grab mortality and smack it around as long as you can.

Mortality always wins! Damn it!

Jeff/Casual Clicks



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